Student Council

The Students’ Council is formed in every academic year as per guidelines laid down by SPPU, Maharashtra Universities Act, (M.U.A.) 1994 section 40 and Maharashtra Public Universities Act, 2016 Mah. Act No. VI of 2017. The student council meetings are held twice within a year and students actively engage in discussion on various issues and suggest the activities to be organised, facilities to be provided and updating the available facilities as per their requirement. Student Council cell forward the minutes of the meeting to IQAC. The Authorities take decisions regarding the suggestions by the student council.

            The Student Council actively participates in the academic, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. The students also participate actively in decision making to organize activities such as Annual day, Sports Activities, Cultural Activities, NSS camp, NCC Activities and extension activities such as blood donation, Road Safety Campaign etc. The representation of the students plays a crucial role in the augmentation of curricular, co-curricular and extracurricular activities. 


Prof. A. V. More, 9970532771


Dr. T. S. Thopate, 9403190393
Dr. S. M. Gaikwad, 9822551845    

Student’s Council of College: [Maharashtra Public University Act, 2016]

(1) The College Students' Council for each institution, conducted college or affiliated college shall consist of the following members, namely:-

(a) President, elected by an electoral college consisting of students who are engaged in full-time studies in that college ;

(b) Secretary, elected by an electoral college consisting of students who are engaged in full-time studies in that college;

(c) one lady representative, elected by an electoral college consisting of students who are engaged in full-time studies in that college ;

(d) one representative belonging to Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes or De-notified Tribes (Vimukta-Jatis) or Nomadic Tribes or Other Backward Classes, by rotation, elected by an electoral college consisting of students who are engaged in full-time studies in that college: Provided that the University shall decide the category of reservation for each college for the purpose of this clause by drawing lots;

(e) one student from each class, elected by an electoral college consisting of students who are engaged in full-time studies in that class;

(f) One student each from

(a) National Service Scheme,

(b) National Cadet Corps,

(c) Sports and

(d) Cultural activities, nominated by the Principal from the students who are engaged in National Service Scheme, National Cadet Corps, Sports and Cultural activities, respectively, on the basis of prescribed criteria ;

(g) one senior teacher as coordinator of the Students' Council appointed by the principal of the college and Director, Sports and Physical Education, NSS Programme Officer and NCC Officer as permanent invitees.

(2) The first meeting of the University Students' Council shall be presided over by the Principal and shall be attended by such other officers as he may deem fit.

(3) A student shall be eligible to be, or continue to be, a member of any of the Students' Councils, only if he is enrolled as a full time student.

(4) During the period of election no person, other than a student on the rolls of college, shall be permitted to take part in the election process in any capacity. Any student or a candidate violating this condition shall be liable for disciplinary action against him in addition to the revocation of his candidature.

(5) The budget, frequency of meeting of the Students' Council, for affiliated college and University Students' Council shall be as may be prescribed by the Statutes.

(6) The election of the student members of the Students' Councils shall be made every year, as soon as possible after the commencement of the academic year, on a date as may be prescribed. The term of office of the elected student members shall begin with effect from the date of election and shall extend up to the last day of the academic year, unless they have, in the meantime, incurred any of the disqualifications specified by or under the Act, and shall then expire.

(7) One third of the members of the Students' Council shall constitute the quorum. The procedure for conduct of business of the meetings and such other matters shall be such as may be prescribed by the Statutes. The Council shall meet at least once in every three months.

(8) The procedure for election, the powers and duties, authority for the conduct of election, mechanism for conduct of such elections, code of conduct for the candidates and election administrators and grievances redressal mechanism in respect of such election shall be such as may be specified by the State Government, by orders published in the Official Gazette.

(9) The provisions of this section shall come into effect from such date after issuing the order under sub-section (11), as specified by the State Government in such order.

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Student Council 2022-23

Students Council 2021-22

Students council 2020-21

Students Council 2018-19