Online Feedback System

The performance of HEIs is dependent on effective learning outcomes. Feedback mechanism is an essential and effective tool to identify whether the HEI is imparting the quality education. Hence New Arts, Commerce and Science College, Parner has made a policy to avail the feedback from all the stakeholders and to analyse the institutional performance on different fronts.

Feedback and Learning Outcome committee: The college authorities have constituted a Feedback and Learning Outcome committee. Its composition is as follows:


Dr. R. E. Najan


Prof. V.P. Deore,  Prof. M. S. Aher,  Prof. R. A. Shinde,  Prof. N. B. Sobale, Prof. S. R. Tambe

Objective: Feedback is a key feature to maintain academic excellence of a HEI with following objectives:

  1. To provide various stakeholders with an opportunity to contribute their opinion on the quality of their learning experiences, as required in preparation for and as part of review processes.
  2. To assess the success of academic delivery in relation to the expectations of students.
  3. To provide feedback to college faculties in order to improve delivery and/or content of the study-unit.
  4. To assure the standards and quality of college’s infrastructure and prescribed curriculum.
  5. To offer the platform to the students in identifying a better role in the teaching-learning process.
  6. To identify the obstacles in attaining the learning objectives and outcomes of a particular programme.
  7. To support the improvement and upgradation in the teaching methodology at the institution.
  8. To avail a network for bridging the communication gap between the management and students.

Role and Responsibilities:

  1. To avail the feedback from all the stakeholders and to maintain an up-to-date and detailed database.
  2. To assist management in creating an environment in the college that enables students to have far-lasting memories.
  3. To provide the inputs from feedback to improve the quality of our academic programmes and enrich the credibility of the institution.
  4. To offer best possible environment and learning experience to reach potential for academic achievement.

Feedback Collection Process:

The feedback committee do the planning about the formats, collection and evaluation of feedback from all the stakeholders such as students, teachers, parents, alumni, employers, etc. To execute the planned activities, regular meetings of the committee have been organized. The feedbacks are collected online in a year in the form of standard formats from all the stakeholders on various aspects such as curriculum development and deployment, infrastructural facility of the college etc.

The collected feedback is analysed thoroughly and a report is submitted to IQAC and the Principal. The corrective measures are taken by the respective authorities in CDC meeting. Thus, feedback mechanism is used to maintain academic excellence of a HEI.

Click on the below link for valuable feedback...

Feedback Report   Student    Teacher      Employer      Alumni       Parents

College Infrastructure and Facilities