Student Satisfaction Survey

The success of higher educational institute is measured in terms of learning experiences of students. The institute has proactively involved in obtaining feedback from stakeholders. The feedback received from learners showcases the actual quality of the teaching learning process and enables the identification of strength of teaching-learning process and a space for the upgradation or improvements. These feedbacks help to reach to the comfort of the learners. Institute has its own mechanism to obtain feedbacks on facilities, administrative services, teaching-learning process, learning resources, activities and employment opportunities. In addition to this institute has adopted Student Satisfaction Survey (SSS) to recognize the satisfaction levels about the services provided by the institute including teaching-learning process for overall development of students. Institute has developed a streamlined online mechanism to conduct a SSS through various questions based on facilities, administrative services, teaching-learning process, learning resources, activities and employment opportunities. SSS is conducted for last four academic years, analyzed for satisfaction levels. It is used for further planning and improvement in the quality of services.

The information about SSS is provided to the students through notices, social media group, college website and poster at prominent places. The students will remain anonymous throughout the process. IQAC encourages the students to participate in the student satisfaction survey by orientation of students.

The SSS is collected through online mechanism with the help of college website using questionnaire about services. These students’ satisfaction survey is analyzed and the analyzed reports are prepared. These reports are placed by IQAC before CDC in meetings and discussed for the necessary actions. The Action Taken Report (ATR) are available on college website for all stakeholders.

Click on below links ...

SSS Action Taken Report 2021-22

SSS Action Taken Report 2020-21

SSS Action Taken Report 2019-20

SSS Analysis Report 2021-22

SSS Analysis Report 2020-21

Analysis of SSS 2019-20

Student Satisfaction Survey Form (Only College student can fill the online form)

SSS Analysis Report 2018-19

SSS Action Taken Report 2018-19