IQAC Activities

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IQAC Initiatives 2020-21

IQAC Activities

College Activities

Quality Initiatives of IQAC

1. Annual Quality Assurance Reports (AQAR)
IQAC is entrusted in mandatory submission of Annual Quality Assurance Reports (AQAR) in timely manner to continue the quality sustenance and enhancement. IQAC has submitted the AQAR on regular basis. For AY 2017-18, HEI has submitted AQAR on offline basis on competition of academic year. From AY 2018-29, onwards, AQAR were submitted online regularly within the stipulated time.

2. Academic and Administrative Audit (AAA)
To instil the quality in the academic and administration of HEI, IQAC conducted the Academic and Administrative Audit (AAA) for AY 2017-18 to AY 2021-22. The format for AAA has been designed to collect the data and inputs from the Academic Departments. The presentation of AAA was assessed with help of internal as well as the external academic peers. The grade sheets of AAA are declared and published to the college website.

3. Quality Audits
HEI efforts towards improvements of quality of their services and to meet the expectations of the stakeholders. Therefore, various quality audits are conducted at regular intervals for quality sustenance.

4. Designing of PO and CO, Attainments
The college offers various conventional and professional degree programmes and follows the university curriculum and a mechanism of outcome-based education is in context with UGC- LOCF documents. The learning outcome of various courses and programmes
are clearly defined by faculties of academic departments and made available on college website. These course outcomes (COs) and programme outcomes (POs) are statements describing knowledge, qualities, skills, and competencies to be acquire by the student
after the completion of course or programme. These outcomes are stated considering Bloom’s Taxonomy. The COs and POs defined are in tune with the graduate attributes, learning outcomes and vision-mission statement of institute. COs and POs are defined for all 32 academic programmes including UG, PG and Research. The attainment of COs and POs is carried out by respective department using course file, the results and CO-PO mapping sheets. The attainment levels are evaluated on the basis of performance of student in internal and external examinations internally as well as externally. The mechanism for internal attainment evaluation is well defined by the Outcome Based Education (OBE) committee of the College. The external attainments are measured in terms of degree percentage, ranks in university results, placement, higher progression, awards, achievements, feedbacks and life-long learning experiences. The surveys after the completion of courses and programmes are also practiced for measuring the attainments. Overall attainment of the COs and POs is evaluated by the respective department. A course file prepared by the teacher contains, syllabus, COs, teaching plan, attendance, records of class tests, tutorial, seminar, viva-voce, course completion certificate, laboratory/project, result sheets and CO mapping and attainments. The attainment of the COs is evaluated directly in terms of performance of the students in the university examinations. The respective departments evaluate the overall attainment level of the entire COs for each course using a pre-defined procedure. POs attainments are evaluated on the basis attainment of COs, and the overall performance of the students in the continuous internal evaluation as well as feedback on teaching, learning and evaluation.

5. Feedback Forms and Mechanism
Being governed by the principle of participatory management and with the transparency, college has established a feedback mechanism on its academic and administrative services and practiced regularly to get insights of services. HEI through its committee
collects feedback from stakeholders on curriculum, teaching-learning process, facilities, co-curricular, extension activities and employment opportunities. College also receives feedbacks from various peers, delegates, visitors, citizens through activities, functions, national and international programmes. HEI has integrated the ICT and designed online feedback mechanism. The stakeholders can fill in their feedback and give the suggestion through this online mechanism. These are analyzed and necessary actions have been taken from time to time. The suggestion and recommendations are discussed with head of department, IQAC and Principal. The necessary steps and measures are taken on the feedback and communicated to the respective stakeholders. Feedbacks are also communicated to the management. The suggestions regarding curriculum obtained from teachers are communicated to affiliating university through respective Board of Studies and during the curriculum restructuring workshops. The Feedback Analysis Reports and Action Taken Reports (ATRs) for the last five years are uploaded on college website.

6. SSS Form and Mechanism
The success of higher educational institute is measure in terms of learning experiences of students. The institute has proactively involved in obtaining feedback from stakeholders. The feedback received from learners showcases the actual quality of the teaching
learning process and enables the identification of strength of teaching-learning process and a space for the upgradation or improvements. These feedbacks help to reach to the comfort of the learners. Institute has its own mechanism to obtain feedbacks on facilities, administrative services, teaching-learning process, learning resources, activities and employment opportunities. In addition to this institute has adopted Student Satisfaction Survey (SSS) to recognize the satisfaction levels about the services provided by the
institute including teaching-learning process for overall development of students. Institute has developed a streamlined online mechanism to conduct a SSS through various questions based on facilities, administrative services, teaching-learning process,
learning resources, activities and employment opportunities. SSS is conducted for last four academic years, analyzed for satisfaction levels. It is used for further planning and improvement in the quality of services. The information about SSS is provided to the students through notices, social media group, college website and poster at prominent places. The students will remain anonymous throughout the process. IQAC encourages the students to participate in the student satisfaction survey by orientation of students. The SSS is collected through online mechanism with the help of college website using questionnaire about services. These students’ satisfaction survey is analysed and the  analyzed reports are prepared. These reports are placed by IQAC before CDC in
meetings and discussed for the necessary actions. The Action Taken Report (ATR) are available on college website for all stakeholders.

7. Organization of National International Events

Research and innovative ideas of the scholars are cultivated through an ecosystem. HEI motivated, encouraged and trained the faculties through well-defined performance appraisal system to enhance their teaching, research and administrative skills as well as
social services, professional developments, participation in conferences, seminars and workshops. This ultimately benefits to develop the competencies among students and encouraging for Avishkar competitions. Staff induction programme for newly appointed
teachers is found to be instrumental in encouraging for research and professional developments.

8. Automation in Admissions
HEI provides the quality education and inclusive environment through various programmes is arts, science and commerce discipline. Students are admitted to these programmes as per the rules, regulation and guidelines on admissions including the reservation norms of the statutory bodies such as UGC, GoM, GoI and affiliating university. The college ensure the transparency and accountability in admissions through an efficient online/offline process. The website of HEI hosts the link for the admissions through ERP software subscribed by the institute. The students are ought to register on this platform and they are provided with login/student Id and password. They need to apply online to seek admission to a particular programme. The academic calendar and prospectus are also published and upgraded frequently on college website.

9. Deeksharambh – Student Induction Programme and Student Mentoring System
College provides quality education to needy and socioeconomically deprived masses to develop the society. Students at HEI need support to explore oneself, to experience the joy of learning, to stand up to peer pressure, take decisions with courage, to inculcate the human values and in many aspects. But students while persuing higher education come across with various problems like difficulties in learning, financial issues, peer pressure, health and well-being, lack of motivation, skills and guidance, etc. Therefore, Student Mentoring Cell (SMC) is constituted with sole purpose to build the healthy relationship between the staff and students and to sort their difficulties in the context of academic as  well as professional development and to build the universal human values. The institute has practiced it as student-centric approach in all possible ways for all round development. The SMC meets regularly to plan the Student/Staff Induction Programme and allotment of Mentor-Mentee, Staff Orientation, Review of Methodology of SMC and Annual reports. A well-defined methodology of mentoring is followed with periodical review as per the policy mandate. “Deeksharambh”–A Student Induction Programme is organized every year for 5- 7 days that consist of guidance talks of faculties/invited guests to develop the skills and competencies among students. Literary activities conducted helps to develop the thought process, creativity and self-exploration. Documentaries especially “RAMRAJYA” based on developments and good things in the world are shown to students. This has helped to channelize their potential to lay foundation of a strong nation. Mentor conducts periodical meetings and discuss on any problem such as academic, financial, psychological, etc. These open-ended discussions are thought provoking and giving exposure, guiding thoughts, and realizing values. Student progress is continuously reviewed in terms of attendance, academic matters, health, etc. and details in the mentoring sessions are maintained. Mentor Teacher identifies the poor learners and interacts with them to resolve the cause with the active involvement Parents, Head and Principal in development of student.

10. Training Programmes of Staff
IQAC entrusted in training to staff and teachers for quality sustenance and enhancement. The department of Chemistry has organized the faculty development programme in Association with Govt. Digvijay PG College, Rajnandgaon, Chhattisgarh. College has also conducted “Computer Training Programme for Non- Teaching Staff”. IQAC has organized the staff orientation programme.

11. CBCS Training Programme
As per the UGC guidelines, SPPU, Pune has implemented the CBCs to all UG and PG Programmes. IQAC has taken initiatives to aware the students and staff about the CBCS system by orientation programmes. The faculty members are deputed to other institute
for training purpose regarding CBCS implementation.

12. E-Content Development and Online Education
Faculties have developed more than 2000 e-contents and uploaded on college website. These e-contents have been largely used by students during COVID 19 pandemic. The online education provided by faculties is noteworthy. Faculties have reached to all
learners through various media and provided online education using various ICT platforms such as Google classroom, Zoom meeting, Google meet, etc.

13. NEP-2020 Awareness programme
The choice-based credit system (CBCS) for all programs is fully implemented from the academic year 2019-20 as per the guidelines of UGC and SPPU, Pune. University instructed with a mandate for students to create an ABC id by registering at to digitally store the academic credits earned by students from HEIs. This facilitates students to choose their own learning paths to attain
degree/diploma/certificates in context with multiple entry and exits as well as anytime, any-where, and any-level of learning. Now, students have registered with ABC id. Institute is registered as SWAYAM-NPTEL Local chapter and the students are encouraged to enrol in various courses offered by renowned institutes from where the students may earn credits. The workshops and seminars are organized on NEP 2020 to learn the objectives of NEP for the stakeholders

14. Gender Sensitization and Women Empowerment Activities
The HEI has adopted all the possible measures to ensure and promote gender equity and equality. It always offers equal opportunity in all activities. More than 50% students admitted to various programmes are girls. Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil (KBP) Earn and
Learn Scheme offers help to the poor and needy student and to inculcate the work culture among the student’s youth. The College takes initiatives in larger context towards promotion of gender equity and to provide a conducive environment for all the stakeholders and therefore established the Women Empowerment Cell (WEC). It works proactively towards developing a safe, secure and conducive work environment for employees, and to ensure that all students should gain their education without fear of prejudice, gender bias, hostility or sexual  harassment. This cell organizes various programmes and activities proactively through an action plan to create awareness about gender sensitization, women empowerment and upliftment, health hygiene, etc. The prominent activities organized during last five years are Fearless girl campaign, Ideal Icon: an interview session of successful persons, skill development and entrepreneurship programme, self-defence workshops, Induction programmes, guidance talk for competitive examinations, workshop on health and hygiene, health check-up, etc. HEI has constituted the committees like Anti-Ragging and Sexual Harassment
Committee, ICC, and Grievance Redressal Cell to monitor and address safety, security, and social issues of women on-premises. HEI also provided various facilities in terms of Safety and security, Counselling, Common Rooms, Reading Rooms, Day care centre,
etc. for women on campus.

15. Quality Accreditation (AISHE, NIRF, MIS, ARIIA, NAAC, ISO) Accreditation (1 st Cycle to 3 rd Cycle)
HEI strives maintain the quality in its services and offering by conducting the quality audits on regular basis. The college has participated and submitted data in All in India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) since 2010-11. All the AISHE certificates are uploaded on the college website. College has also participated and submitted the data in Management Information System (MIS) of Department of Higher Education, Govt. of Maharashtra. College has participated in National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) in 2017 and ranked in band between 101-150. After 2017, College has continuously participated in the NIRF. HEI has completed 3 cycles of NAAC assessment and accreditation for quality sustenance and quest for excellence. HEI has Completed the  ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015. HEI has also participated in Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA) of GoI. HEI conducts the Green and Environment, Energy and Electrical safety audit periodically from an external agency. The In-house energy audit is carried out  on regular basis to introspect about energy consumption and expenditure of the institute. Now a day, HEI meets 33% of its energy consumption from non-conventional energy sources, particularly from use of solar panel.

16. Curriculum Designing-Certificate Courses
College provides the opportunity for additional learning with the help of short-term courses such as certificate courses and bridge courses. These may be the value-added courses. These courses are even helping the learners to build various skills apart from the
programmes of their study. These courses are multidisciplinary and are designed and developed by faculties of the departments. The College has various Add-On Certificate Courses which have been started with the aim of enhancing and enriching the students
learning experience in the College.

17. Alumni Meets
HEI has registered Alumni Association and the members of association are working on various prominent positions in the leading various organization like industry, academia, nongovernment organizations, etc. Alumni are supporting largely and contributing for
the upliftment of students through their guidance, mentoring as well as placement opportunities. The present students are benefited through the alumni guidance for setting goals in life, to promote friendship, builds relations, mutual cooperation and assistance,
and for the development and growth of the institute in general. During last five years, the contribution from alumni is remarkable in terms of donations, book donations, support through Guidance Talks and Workshops, support in terms of fees to students, and
organization of campus placement drives. Alumni Lecture Series and Mentoring to students is highly beneficial to the students. HEI efforts for organization in alumni meets regularly.

18. Parents Meets
HEI strives provide the learning ambience for to overall development of the student and therefore the parents also got involved in it through regular meets. The parent’s meets are organized regularly to acquaint the performance of students for improvements. This
helps to know about the academic progress and difficulties in pursuing the higher progression of their wards.

19. Extension and Outreach Activities
The institute promotes regular engagement of stakeholders for holistic development and sensitizes them to work for social change through various activities pertaining to strengthening community participation. HEI has rich culture of environment promotion
activities that connects to society. These are organized with the help of all the stakeholders. It mainly includes tree plantation, cleanliness drives, water conservation, rallies and awareness programmes about pollution, open defecation, health and hygiene,
hazards of tobacco, etc. These activities are helpful to explore the inner potential of the student’s youth, to build the leadership skill, to develop the sense of belongings, to inculcate the sense of responsibility, and thereby to lay the foundation of strong nation.

NSS volunteers and NCC cadets voluntarily participate in these activities. Every year the HEI adopt the nearby village from Parner Tehsil and does the environmental promotion activities by ‘Shramdan’. It means a voluntary contribution by the person towards
community welfare involving physical effort. It is a way of helping our community and to protect the environment around us for sustainable development. A special winter and summer camps were organized in the adopted villages where NSS volunteers worked for watershed programmes by construction of Gabion and Check Dams through Shramdan, Cleanliness Drives and Tree Plantation. Rallies were organized for AIDS awareness. During COVI-19 Pandemic situation, HEI is actively involved in awareness of COVID-
19 and distributed the face mask prepared by NSS volunteers and NCC cadets to the front-line workers at Parner Police Station, Parner Tehsil office, Swachhata Workers and Citizens. College organized Mega COVID-19 Vaccination drive also in association with
PHC, Parner. College coordinated Covid-19 Vaccination of the students under “Yuva Swasthya Mission” of SPPPU, Pune for Parner tehsil as per the guidelines. Stakeholder participated in various clean and green campus initiatives such as Tobacco Control Activities in Maharashtra and Spit Free India Movement organized by Sambandh Health Foundation in Association with SPPU, Pune and SLO & OSD (NSS), Government of Maharashtra. These efforts and initiatives of the HEI are recognized in the terms of awards, certificates and appreciation letter. The NSS unit of New Arts, Commerce and Science College, Parner has received the Silver, Gold and Platinum Medal for Achievement Award (2019-20) for Leadership in Tobacco Control from Sambandh Health Foundation in Association with SPPU, Pune The volunteers of NSS unit of New Arts, Commerce and Science College, Parner participated in the University Level flood Disaster Relief Camp (Kolhapur-Sangali) organized by BSD and NSS, SPPU, Pune during 22nd – 28th August, 2019. Eleven students acted as “Swachhata Doot” and rendered the community services. Their contribution was appreciated and recognized in terms of certificate of participation. HEI strives to provide an inclusive learning ambience and continuous efforts are taken to sensitize the stakeholders through various extension activities with help of staff, student and community. The initiatives and efforts in Road Safety Campaign are noteworthy and recognized earlier in terms of awards and appreciation by State Government. College is consistently trying to bring awareness among the people and student about the road safety and established an In-Case Emergency (ICE) Help Group (a social media group) to provide the help to the accident victims. Teacher, students, Journalist, Social Workers, Doctors and Police voluntarily participated in the ICE help group. The members have identified the accident-prone spot on nearby highway Ahmednagar – Pune from Ahmednagar to Shirur on the basis of survey and recommended certain suggestions to
Public Works Department, GoM. The actions taken by PWD helped to minimize the incidence of accidents. The group with prior permission from the authorities placed the convex mirror on a sharp turn at Kanher–Ohol on Supa-Parner road (2 km from Parner).
Student showed the sense of gratitude towards S. T. driver on the occasion of Driver Day. A request letter is also given to the Controller of Parner BUS Depot on behalf of the help group, to facilitate the rural student to attend the college as their services were
disrupted in the strike. The slogans for road safety awareness were put on the nearby road.

20. Quality Research
The institutional ecosystem is helping to nurture innovative and creative ideas by developing research-oriented skills. In context of this, College has framed the ‘Academic Research Committee (ARC)’ and maintained a research ambiance through advanced facilities. ARC looks after the requirements in terms of infrastructural facilities and resources. Innovation, Incubation, and Start-up Cell is helping researchers to nurture their ideas into technology. Exhibitions on innovations are also organized. A Central Instrumentation Facility (CIF) with sophisticated instruments is established for the benefit of research activities of in-house and other students. Library resources such as journals, references, INFLIBNET, DELNET, SCI-FINDER databases help update the recent developments in research fields. This research ambiance has resulted in a significant number of publications in peer-reviewed journals of repute and patents.
HEI has well-defined research promotion policy that helps to guide the researchers on ethics, short-term projects, completion of PhDs, publish research findings in quality journals and file patents resulting from research addressing regional problems. Institute
developed excellent research facilities, with the support of UGC, DST, RUSA and parent institute. Consultancies are provided to the scholars in the area of UV-Visible, FTIR spectroscopy, Flame Photometry, tissue culture, cactus saplings, etc. HEI established Innovation Council (MHRD-IIC), Innovation and Start-up Cell (SSPU), and incubation centre to support and nurture the innovative ideas in young minds and develop entrepreneurship skills. So far 11 start-ups have resulted by the guidance of the college research ecosystem.

Short term research projects are assigned to students to recognize research potentials, to inculcate the research culture, scientific awareness and, guided for data interpretation and analysis. Also, hands on training experiences are provided to the students and faculties to boost their confidence and skills. Workshops on Research Methodology, Innovations, ‘How to write Research Article?’ and IPR are conducted periodically. Avishkar Competition encourages students for innovative projects through their creative thinking
and research interest. Faculties are encouraged to submit the proposals to funding agencies as well as supported through seed money and incentives for enhancing their research qualifications. HEI has 4 recognized research centres, 16 MPhil/PhD guides, 37 PhDs are registered and 7 PhDs awarded. Outcome of research is 237 journal publications, 130 book chapters/proceedings and 6 patents.  For an innovative ecosystem college established collaborations, signed 39 MoUs with national and international academic, research and industrial organizations to facilitate multi-and interdisciplinary research, training and developments. Every year college
funded innovative projects for strengthening research culture. Visit to research institutes like NCL, IISER, C-MET, etc., encouraged students for higher education and research programs.