Department of Zoology
- Department Profile
- Programme Offered
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- Research
- Publications
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- Events/ Activities Organized (2017-2022)
- Alumni
- Facility Available
Department of Zoology was established in 1992 and offers B.Sc. Zoology degree programme since 2017. Department guides and motivates the students of the diversified background from Parner tehsil to become self-reliant. The department has a well set ‘Zoology Museum’ with a good collection of bottled and stuffed specimens, slides and models of non-chordates and chordates. Apart from this department is involved in various curricular, extracurricular and extension activities for the holistic development of students.
Name of Programme | Eligibility | Intake Capacity | Duration |
B. Sc. Zoology | HSC - Science | 120 | 03 Years |
Certificate Course in Vermiculture and Vermicomposting | B.Sc. Persuer | 80 | 30 Hours |
Sr. No. | Name | Qualification | Designation | Specialization | Photo | Biodata |
1. | Dr. S. R. Wagh | M.Sc., B.Ed., Ph. D. | Asso. Professor & Head | Entomology | ![]() |
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2. | Mr. M. S. Aher | M.Sc., NET | Asst. Prof. | Biotechnology | ![]() |
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3. | Ms. P. D. Lonkar | M.Sc., NET, SET | Asst. Prof. | Zoology | ![]() |
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4. | Mr. Y. S. Gadekar | M.Sc. | Asst. Prof. | Animal Physiology | ![]() |
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5. | Ms. R.V. Zaware | M.Sc. | Asst. Prof. | Animal Physiology | ![]() |
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Year | Programme Name | Percentage Result |
2017-18 | B.Sc. Zoology | 69.23 |
2018-19 | B.Sc. Zoology | 96.43 |
2019-20 | B.Sc. Zoology | 100 |
2020-21 | B.Sc. Zoology | 88.88 |
2021-22 | B.Sc. Zoology | 100 |
Sr. No. | Academic Year | Number of Students placed |
1. | 2017-18 | 07 |
2. | 2018-19 | 02 |
3. | 2019-20 | 04 |
4. | 2021-21 | 10 |
5. | 2021-22 | 03 |
- SPPU, Pune recognized Research Guide: 01
- D. Registered: 01
Sr. No. | Name of Student | Guide Name | Topic | Status |
1. | Ms. Jyoti A. Thokal | Dr. S. R. Wagh | Studies on Entomofaunal & Ichthyofaunal Diversity from Chinchani Dam and Visapur Dam, Pune and Ahmednagar District, Maharashtra, India | Ongoing |
Sr. No. | Name of Author | Title of research article | Name of Journal | Year of Publication with volume , page number | Link/DoI |
1. | S.B. Patil, D.V. Muley, S.R. Wagh and G.P. Bhawane | Effect of insecticides on the digestive enzymes of adult Holotrichia serrata Fab. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) | J. Shivaji Univ. (Sci.) | (2002), 37: 87 – 91 | -- |
2. | S.B. Patil, S.R.Wagh, S.D. Nikam and G.P. Bhawane | Effect of insecticides on the mid gut Holotrichia serrata Fab. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) | Ind. J. Comp. Ani. Physiol | (2003), 21: 20 – 23 | -- |
3. | S.B. Patil, S.R.Wagh, G.P. Bhawane and D.S. Patil, | Effect of starvation on the digestive enzymes of male Holotrichia serrata Fab. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), | Trends in Life Sciences (Ind.), | (2003), 18 (1): 27 – 29. | -- |
4. | G.P. Bhawane, S.R.Wagh, S.B. Patil and D.S. Nikam, | Effect of desiccation on the biochemical moieties and haemolymph constituents of third instar grubs of Leucopholis lepidophora Bl. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), | J. Shivaji Univ. (Sci.), | (2003), 38: 39 –44. | -- |
5. | S.D. Disale, D.S. Nikam, S.R. Wagh and G.P. Bhawane, | Effect of insecticides on the haemocytes of Mylabris pustulata Thumb. (Coleoptera: Meloidae), | J. Shivaji Univ. (Sci.), | (2003), 38: 45 – 48. | -- |
6. | S.N. Pokale, G.B. Shinde and S.R.Wagh, | On a new species of Moniezia capri Blanchard, 1891 (Cestoda: Anoplcephalidae) from Capra hircus, | Uttar Pradesh J. Zool., | (2004),24(3): 285 – 288. | -- |
7. | G.P. Bhawane, S.B. Patil, D.S. Nikam and S.R.Wagh, | Effect of Starvation on the biochemical moieties and haemolymph constituents of third instar grubs of Leucopholis lepidophora Bl. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), | J. Shivaji Univ. (Sci. & Tech), | (2005), 39: 41 – 45. | -- |
8. | G.P. Bhawane, R.K. Bhanot, S.B. Patil, S.R. Wagh and S.R. Aland, | Effect of different plant extracts on fecundity and egg hatchability in three species of Melolonthidae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), | J. Shivaji Univ. (Sci. & Tech), | (2005), 39: 47 – 50. | -- |
9. | G.P. Bhawane, R.K. Bhanot, D.S. Nikam, S.R. Wagh and S.M. Gaikwad, | Effect of herbal pesticides on the digestive enzymes of bettle Holotrichia fissa Brinske (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), | J. Ecophysiol. Occup. Hlth., | (2005), 5: 25 – 28. | -- |
10. | S.B. Patil, S.R.Wagh, S.D. Disale and G.P. Bhawane, | Effect of different insecticides on fecundity and egg hatchability in Holotrichia serrata Fab. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), | Ind. J. Comp. Ani. Physiol., | (2005), 23 (1): 41 – 44. | -- |
11. | S.B. Patil, S.R.Wagh, S.D. Sakate and G.P. Bhawane, | Effect of insecticides on the digestive enzyme maltase of adult Holotrichia serrata Fab. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), | Ind. J. Comp. Ani. Physiol., | (2006), 24 (1): 47 – 51. | -- |
12. | S.D. Disale, S.R.Wagh, S. M. Gaikwad, G.P. Bhawane and G.D. Deshmukh, | Comparative study on the haemocytes of some Cerambycidae, | J. Curr. Sci., | (2006), 9 (1): 291 – 295. | -- |
13. | G.P. Bhawane, S.S. Bhaisare, V.D. Yalamali and S.R. Wagh, | Influence of topical application of plant products on the midgut enzymes of silkworm Bombyx mori (L), | Jour. Asso. Zool. Ind., | (2006), 1(1): 18-22. | -- |
14. | G.P. Bhawane, S.R. Wagh, S.M. Gaikwad, V.D. Yalamali, S.S. Bhaisare and S.D. Disale, | The neurosecretary system and retrocerebral endocrine glands of Oxycetonia versicolor (Coleoptera : Scarabaeidae), | J. Shivaji Univ. (Sci. & Tech.) | . (2006), 40: 57- 68. | -- |
15. | G.P. Bhawane, V.D. Yalamali, S.M. Gaikwad, S.R. Wagh, D.S. Nikam and S.S. Bhaisare, | Terminalia catappa potential food plants of tropical tasar silkworm Antheraea mylitta Drury, | Bull. Ind. Acad. Seri. | (2007),11(1): 1- 4. | -- |
16. | S. M. Gaikwad, S. S. Bhaisare, S. R. Wagh and G. P. Bhawane, | Studies on the butterflies in and around Kolhapur city belonging to families Danidae, Saturnidae and Nymphalidae, | Hislopia Journal | (2008),1(1): 1- 2. | -- |
17. | S. M. Gaikwad, S. S. Bhaisare, S. R. Wagh and G. P. Bhawane, | Influence of topical application of plant products of Bel on economical parameters of Silkworm Bombyx mori | Hislopia Journal | (2008), 1 (1): 27- 30. | -- |
18. | R.K. Aher, S.N. Pokale and S.R. Wagh, | Studies on biodiversity of certain medicinal plants of Ahmednagar region, M. S., India, | Ind. Stream Res. J. | (2011) 1(VI) : 177 - 178. | -- |
19. | S. R. Wagh, S. N. Pokale, R. K. Aher, T. S. Thopate, & S. L. Khapake, | Study of different ecological parameters of manmade reservoir from Parner Tahasil, Dist. Ahmednagar, (MS), India, | Bionano Frontier. | (2012), 86 - 88 | -- |
20. | L., R. K. Aher, S. L. Khapake & S. R. Wagh, | Effect of Ecological factor on arbuscularmycorrhizal diversity, succession & colonization in Arachis hypogea, | Bionano Frontier | (2012), 325 - 326. | -- |
21. | G. P. Bhawane, A. B. Mamlayya, S. R. Wagh & A. K. Chaugule, | Diversity of white grub beetles & their host range from northern western ghats, Kolhapur District, (MS), India, | The Bioscan | (2012), 7(4): 589-596 | -- |
22. | Wagh S. R., Tupe B. K. and Kadam | Shifting scenario of land utilize outline in Akole Tahasil (Ahmednagar District) M.S., India | V. C., Speil, | (2014), 3: 36 – 38 (ISSN 0802 4448). | -- |
23. | S. R. Wagh | Diversity of gall midges (Cecidomyiidae: Diptera) from Newasa Tahasil of Ahmednagar District, Maharashtra, India, | Speil, | (2014), 3: 39 – 41. (ISSN: 0802 4448). | -- |
24. | B. B. Tilekar and S. R. Wagh, | Insect fauna in fresh water reservoir from Pathardi Tahasil of Ahmednagar District, (MS), India, | J. of Baisc Sciences, | (2015), 145 – 148. (ISSN: 2395 – 1265) | -- |
25. | S. R. Wagh, | Disaster Management, | Speil – Darpan, | (2016), 3 (I): 35 - 38. (ISSN 0802 4448) | -- |
26. | S. R. Wagh and S. N. Pokale, | Pests of vegetables from Parner region of Ahmednagar District, M.S., India, | Speil – Darpan, | (2016), 3 (I): 39 - 43. (ISSN 0802 4448) | -- |
27. | S. R. Wagh and R. A. Shinde, | ICT aided learning in India | Speil – Darpan, | (2016), 3 (I): 86 - 90. (ISSN 0802 4448) | |
28. | S. R. Wagh and S. S. Thube, | Role of Agriculture market structure in rural development, | Nat. J. on Challenges before rural dev. In India, | (2017), 81 – 83. (ISSN: 2250 – 0383) | |
29. | S. R. Wagh, | Organic farming: A sustainable step in agriculture sector, | Vision Research Journal for Life Sciences, | (2017), 1(VII): 54–59. (ISSN: 2348 – 5817) | |
30. | Wagh S.R., | Entomofauna of Katalwedhe Lake of Parner Tahsil, District. Ahmednagar, (M.S.), India, | Flora and Fauna, | (2017), 23(1): 289-293. (ISSN: 2456 – 9364) (Online) (ISSN: 0971 – 6920) (Print) | |
31. | S.R. Wagh, | Tasar Culture: A sustainable low cost farm forestry for poverty alleviation endeavor for Kolhapur District of Western Maharashtra, | Aarhat Multidisciplinary Int. Edu. Re. Jr., | (2018), VII (XV): 158 – 162. (ISSN: 2278 – 5655). | |
32. | S.S. Thube and S.R. Wagh, | Sustainability of Soil Health and Organic Farming, | Int. Re. Jr. of Multidisci. St. | (2018), IV(I): 260 – 266. (ISSN Online: 2455 – 8499) |,academy%20of%20knowledge%20and%20wisdom. |
33. | Wagh S.R. & Lasure A. U., | Analysis and Management of e-waste from Parner region of Ahmednagar District, Maharashtra, India, | Int. Re. Jr. of Multidisci. St. | (2018), IV(I): 271 – 275. (ISSN Online: 2455 – 8499). |,academy%20of%20knowledge%20and%20wisdom. |
34. | B.B. Tilekar and S. R. Wagh, | Assessment of Physico-chemical parameters from dams of Pathardi Tehsil of Ahmednagar District, Maharashtra, India, | Int. Re. Jr. of Multidisci. St. | (2018), IV(I): 276 – 281. (ISSN Online: 2455 – 8499). |,academy%20of%20knowledge%20and%20wisdom. |
35. | S. R. Wagh & S.S. Thube, | Challenges for India: Sustainable Development Goals, | Jr. of Modern Thamizh Research. | (2021), 21 (4): 1050 – 1055 (ISSN: 2321:984X). | |
36. | S.R. Wagh & V. C. Kadam, | Development and growth of rural economy in Akole and Baramati Tehsil (M.H.) | Jr. of Modern Thamizh Research. | (2021), 21 (4): 1095 – 1100 (ISSN: 2321:984X). | |
37. | V.S. Bandar & S. R. Wagh, | Study of Dysteria Brasilensis (Free living marine ciliate) from Guhagar beach, Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, | Wesleyan Jr. of Research, | (2021), 14 (26): 107 – 111. | |
38. | S. R. Wagh, | Conarete parneri: A new species of Gall midge (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) from India. | Wesleyan Jr. of Research, | (2021), 14 (28): 87 – 92. | |
39. | G.G. Wakchoure, A.D. Harkal And M.S. Aher | Diversity And Distribution Of Freshwater Sponges In India: A Review | Wesleyan Journal of Research Vol.14 (26). | 2021 Vol.14 (26). ISSN : 0975-1386 | |
1. | Dr. S.R. Wagh | 11 |
Sr. No. | Name | Authors | Publication | Year |
01 | Practical Zoology: (F. Y. B. Sc.) ISBN: 978-93-5158-403-2 | Dr. Sudhir R. Wagh, Dr. Sakharam B. Patil, Dr. Babanrao B. Tilekar & Dr. Sunil N. Pokale | Success Publications, Pune | Aug., 2015 |
02 | Animal Systematics & Diversity–III Applied Zoology – I: (S. Y. B. Sc.) ISBN: 978-93-84916-33-6 | Dr. Sudhir R. Wagh, Dr. Vinod K. Kakade, Dr. Ravindra V. Kshirsagar & Prof. Vitthal A. Jadhav | Success Publications, Pune | Feb., 2015 |
03 | Environmental Biology and Toxicology: T.Y. B.Sc. Paper IV (Sem. III) ISBN: 978-93-5158-393-6 | Dr. Jiwan P. Sarode, Dr. Sudhir R. Wagh, Dr. Ravindra V. Kshirsagar & Dr. Sunil N. Pokale | Success Publications, Pune | June, 2015 |
04 | General Pathology: T.Y. B.Sc. Paper IV (a) (Sem. III) ISBN: 978-93-5158-387-5 | Dr. Sudhir R. Wagh, Dr. Sunil N. Pokale & Prof. Vitthal A. Jadhav | Success Publications, Pune | June, 2015 |
05 | Public Health & Hygiene T.Y. B.Sc. Paper VI (Sem. IV) ISBN: 978-93-5158-505-3 | Dr. Sudhir R. Wagh, Dr. Vinod B. Kakade & Dr. Jiwan P. Sarwade | Success Publications, Pune | Dec., 2015 |
06 | Medical Entomology T.Y. B.Sc. Paper VI (Sem. IV) ISBN: 978-93-5158-504-6 | Dr. Sudhir R. Wagh & Dr. Vishnu K. Deshmukh | Success Publications, Pune | June, 2016 |
07 | Animal Systematics & Diversity–V T.Y. B.Sc. Paper I (Sem. III) ISBN: 978-93-5158-392-9 | Dr. Sakharam B. Patil, Dr. Jiwan P. Sarode, Dr. Abdulkarim A. Shaikh Dr. Savita P. Datar & Dr. Sudhir R. Wagh, | Success Publications, Pune | June, 2016 |
08 | Biological Techniques T.Y. B.Sc. Paper I (Sem. IV) ISBN: 978-93-5158-437-7 | Dr. Sudhir R. Wagh, Dr. Sakharam B. Patil & Dr. Dhanraj B. Goswami | Success Publications, Pune | Dec., 2016 |
09 | Mammalian Physiology & Endocrinology T.Y. B.Sc. Paper II (Sem. IV) ISBN: 978-93-5158-493-3 | Dr. Sakharam B. Patil, Dr. Suman L. Pawar Dr. Sudhir R. Wagh & Dr. Sachin A. Gurule | Success Publications, Pune | Dec., 2016 |
10 | Introduction to Environmental Biology ISBN: 978-0-359-96862-6 | Dr. Sudhir Wagh | Lulu Publications USA | 2017 |
11 | Concepts in Mammalian Physiology ISBN: 978-0-359-96863-3 | Dr. Sudhir Wagh | Lulu Publications USA | 2019 |
Sr. No. | Name of The Teacher | Name of Project | Amount Sanctioned | Name of the Funding Agency | Status |
1. | Dr. S. R. Wagh | Diversity of Gall midges (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) from Ahmednagar district (Maharashtra, India). | 2,10,000/- | B.C.U.D., University of Pune | Completed |
2. | Dr. S. R. Wagh | Diversity of Galls from Parner Tehsil of Ahmednagar district (Maharashtra, India). | 50,000/- | U.G.C., New Delhi | Completed |
3. | Dr. S. R. Wagh | Agricultural pests & their control measures from Parner region (Maharashtra, India). (2015 – 2017) | 10,000/- | NACS College, Parner | Completed |
4. | Mr. M. S. Aher | Microbial diversity and ecology in gut ecosystem of Indian Major Carps from Dnyaneshwar reservoir, Rahuri. | 3,00,000/- | U.G.C., New Delhi | Completed |
5. | Ms. S. S. Mhaske | Diversity of Microflora on human body | 8,000/- | NACS College, Parner | Completed |
Sr. No. | Title of Activity | Date |
1. | Guest Lecture on Medical Entomology | 05/03/2018 |
2. | Guest lecture on Applied Zoology | 27/12/2018 |
3. | Workshop on Techniques of PPT | 09/09/2018 |
4. | Workshop on Gadkille Sanvardhan | 08/01/2019 |
5. | Science Academies Lecture Workshop on Modern Trends in Biological Science | 09/01/2019 to 11/01/2019 |
6. | Workshop on Integrated pest Management | 11/02/2019 |
7. | Workshop on Computer Application | 18/12/2019 |
8. | Guest Lecture on Drawing Techniques | 23/09/2019 |
9. | Guest Lecture on Exam Preparation | 03/10/2019 |
10. | Guest Lecture on Biological Techniques | 06/03/2020 |
11. | Workshop on Career Guidance | 20/02/2021 |
12. | Activity Report on Guest lecture on Insect: Morphology and Anatomy | 13/02/2021 |
13. | National Webinar on Effect of Lockdown on Environment | 07/08/2020 |
14. | Pakshisaptah National Webinar on “ Threats to Bird Community” | 10/11/2020 |
15. | Guest Lecture on Animal Diversity | 15/03/2022 |
16. | Guest Lecture on Techniques in Biology | 12/04/2022 |
17. | International Symposium on New Trends in Science & Technology | 5/08/2021 to 06/08/2021 |
Sr. No. | Name of Alumni | Current Place & Designation |
1. | Dr. Pathare Popat Prabhakar | Assistant Professor Shri Mulikadevi Mahavidyalaya, Nighoj, Tal. Parner Phone: 02488 230438 Mobile: 8446825950 E mail: [email protected] |
2. | Mr. Nighut Sachin Vilas | Assistant Professor Shri Mulikadevi Mahavidyalaya, Nighoj, Tal. Parner Phone: 02488 230438 Mobile: 9960036942 E mail: [email protected] |
3. | Mr. Dalavi Sameer Dadabhau | Assistant Professor Shri Dhokeshwar College, Takali Dhokeshwar Phone: 02488 282414 Mobile: 9420120772 E mail: [email protected] |
4. | Ms. Lonkar Punam Dnyandeo | Assistant Professor New Arts, Commerce and Science college, Parner Phone:02488-221537 Mobile: 9265172242 E mail: [email protected] |
5. | Ms. Mhaske Shamal Sabaji | Private Class, Ahmednagar Mobile: 7775860488 E mail: [email protected] |
6. | Mrs. Barve Trupti Subhsh | Ph. D. Student New Arts, Commerce and Science College, Ahmednagar 0241-2324024 Mobile: 8208276289 E mail:[email protected] |
7. | Mrs. Thokal Jyoti Anil | Assistant Teacher Residential Jr. College, Ahmednagar Phone: 02488 Mobile: 7499059451 E mail: [email protected] |
8. | Chikane Seema Laxman | Relationship Executive WSF, Finsem Vashi, Mumbai Email: [email protected] |
9. | Thube Dinesh Dadabhau | Auditor Kanhur Gramin Patasanstha, Parner Dist. Ahmednagar Phone: 02488-283248 |
10. | Mane Sagar Narayan | Lab Technician Vedanta Hospital, Mahalakshmi Trade Center, Shirur, Dist. Pune Phone: 02138-222202/222204 |
11. | More Sagar Prakash | Proprietor, Hindavi Book Shop, Chandannagar, Pune Mobile: 9130146009 |
12. | Auti Akshay Vilas | Worker My Idea Company, Supa MIDC, Parner |
13. | Dagabaj Sagar Uttam | Trainee Helper Murali Krushna Pharma PVT LTD, Ranjangaon Phone: 02138-6756621 |
14. | Pathare Pavan Daulat | Proprietor, Suvarnaspasrsha Mens Wear, Ahmednagar |
15. | Wadhavane Pooja Sandip | Assistant Teacher New English Medium School, Ghodoba Phata, Patharwadi, Nighoj Tal. Parner Mobile:741028713/7741028312 |
16. | Wabale Akshaya Tulshiram | Junior Clerk NABARD Project, Supa Road, Sambhaji nagar, Parner Phone: (02488 - 221976) |
17. | Lavare Goraksh Dattatray | Proprietor, Rudra Ayurvedic Centre, SKR Chowk, Nagar Kalyan Road, Bhalwani, Parner Mobile: 9172618534 |
18. | Fand Shubham Yashwant | Proprietor, Shubham Drycleaners, Senapati Bapat Road, Bakhal Galli, Parner Mobile: (9011373541/9022806002) |
19. | Yenare Vishal Prakash | Trainee Helper TATA Taco Crystallite, Chakan MIDC, Pune |
20. | Shelar Vaishnavi Sudam | Sales & Marketing Executive ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company, Pune |
21. | Gadekar Yogesh Shivaji | Assistant Professor New Arts, Commerce and Science college, Parner Phone:02488-221537 |
22. | Ms. Zaware Rajasri Vishnu | Assistant Professor New Arts, Commerce and Science college, Parner Phone:02488-221537 |
23. | Joshi Ramchandra Ganesh | QC - Supervisor Gadre Marine Export PVT LTD, Ratangiri. Phone: 2352-231600/230967 |
24. | Gaikwad Rutuja Dattatray | Assistant Teacher Adarsh English Medium School, At/post Sakur, Tal. Sangamner Phone: 9766434731 |
25. | Shinde Dipali Babasaheb | Assistant Teacher New English School & Jr. College, Supa Tal. Parner |
26. | Bhagat Sandhya Pandharinath | Assistant Teacher South Indian English Medium School, Dombivali, Mumbai |
27. | Chahal Sujit Bharat | Propieter, Bhairavnath Agro Clinic, Pimpari Gawali, Parner |
28. | Dalvi Akshay Satish | Trainee Helper Pune District Cooperative Milk Producers Organization Ltd Katraj Cattlefeed, A/P Kondhapuri, Tal Shirur Dist. Pune Pin – 412 209 E mail: katarajcattlefeed@gamil .com |
29. | Navale Priti Ramdas | Lab. Technician We Care Diagnostics Puja Pathology, Shop No. 36, Sector 18, Kamothe, Thane |
30. | Pandarkar Shubham Ravindra | Technical Support Engineer Aligned Automation Services Pvt. Ltd. Pune |
31. | Zaware Nikhil Rajaram | Soldier GD 67, Medium Regiment, Indian Army, Bikaner, Rajasthan |
32. | Inamdar Yasmeen Akbar | Teacher/ Trainer Zodpe Academy, Chakan, Dist. Pune Mobile: 9623255400 |
33. | Sarade Shivani Shivaji | Assistant Professor Arts, Commerce & Science College, Alkuti, Tal. Parner |
34. | Gadilkar Navdeep Gorakh | Relation Executive HDFC Financial Services, Magarpatta, Pune Phone: 022-79455333 Email:[email protected] |
35. | Nalage Suhas Dagadu | Progressive Farmer A/P Pimpalgaon Pisa Tal-Shrigonda Dist. Ahmednagar Mobile:9689668555/8080620704 email: [email protected] |
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